(Lotsa) Soup for you.

Its fall now...
...how did THAT happen? Or rather...WHEN did that happen?
But its definitely here. And to celebrate its arrival...
...here is some soup. And spoiler alert....there is a lot more soup coming.
Probably a weeks worth.
Root vegetables plus cooler temps equals slow cooking, oven roasted, pot simmering goodness in this house. I love this time of year.
There is something about September (or in this case, nearly October) that I find inspiring. These days I take the most joy in going to classes with Little. Since he turned the magical 18 months, it seems like the communities around us have opened their arms and said, "right this way Little one."
We are signed up for a mosaic of classes - music, gymnastics, sportball, rhythms and rhymes, strong start. Five to six days a week. I may have gotten a wee little lot over zealous. But I'm okay with it, and more importantly, he seems to be too.
I like our schedule and structure (shocking). I like knowing what our week looks like. I like talking with Little about it over breakfast. I like talking about it with him on our way home. And I really like that someone else has the creative brilliance to come up with the activities.
I have so much admiration for creativity.
I love being down in the kitchen and listening to Mr. and Little playing "barn" or "trains" or "cars" or whatever. The big kid makes up funny voices, songs and stories and the little kid giggles and squeals in pure awe. I'm the parent that says lets practice our numbers, our letters and our puzzles. He is the parent that says let's make a puppet show out of barn animals and have them sell goods to the train people. I'll concede now.... he is totally the fun parent.
It all goes back to my (perceived) lack of creative DNA...part of the reason I ended up in blogosphere.
I used to be worried I wouldn't be able to come up with enough things for Little and I to do during the day. Fun things. Not groceries, dry cleaners and 'let's organize mommy's closet' things. Creative fun things. And let me just say - with a mountain of respect - Pinterest and Facebook don't always help that. It used to be hard to read about moms of four kids under four making homemade cheerios while creating sensory boxes and scavenger hunts.
But truthfully, its not hard anymore. I may not be able to write the next Raffi song, but I will always be there with Little to learn the words and sing it 27 times before he drifts off each night. It doesn't matter that I didn't write it. Its only matters that I was a part of it. My creativity (here's hoping) will come through in other ways.
Like with this soup. Celery Root, Crab Apple & Butternut Squash. Roast the squash, the apples, the celery root and puree into one delicious spoonful of Autumn. (That's creative genius if you ask me.)
I know more than ever that we all play a role in raising kids. I do. Mr. does. Gramma's and Papa's do. My community does.
So this Fall I will focus my creative energies in the kitchen and continue to thank the amazing souls that shake the shakers and toss the bean bags through hula hoops with my Little.
It really does take a village...
...and I made the village some soup.
Roasted Celery Root, Crab Apple & Butternut Squash Soup.
1 celery root, peeled, and, diced, 1/2 inch thick
1 medium butternut squash, peeled, and, diced, 1/2 inch thick
2 cups of whole crab apples, peeled, cored and cut in halves
3 T olive oil
1 T salt
1 T fresh ground pepper
1 large white onion
2 large cloves garlic, chopped
2 sprigs fresh thyme
1 tsp ground fennel
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp celery salt
1 bay leaf
1 T Agave (optional)
6 cups chicken stock
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine the celery root and squash with 2 T of oil, salt and pepper. Place in an oven safe dish and roast approximately 15 minutes or until almost tender.
3. Add the apples and continue to roast another 5 to 10 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, in a heavy duty (cast iron) saucepan, saute the onions and garlic in the remaining tablespoon of oil until the onions are translucent.
5. Add the roasted vegetables and apples and all of the remaining ingredients. Simmer for 45 minutes to one hour.
6. Remove fresh thyme sprigs. Using an immersion blender, puree until smooth.