Turkey Dogs, Corn Relish & Mexican Street Corn

Grilled turkey wieners with seasonal corn two ways: raw with a quick pickle relish and grilled, Mexican street-style.
Welcome October! We are three weeks into football season (#gohawks) and well into prime corn season. Here in the Pacific Northwest, corn season is actually just coming to an end, but if you can get your hands on a bushel of cobs, it freezes great and you can be enjoying it all year long. I was inspired to post this recipe because we did our first corn maze this weekend with some close friends. It is a must do for everyone at least once - we laughed, we walked in circles, we slipped in the mud, we walked in more circles, we made corny jokes, and we (well, I) got a wee but nervous we were lost forever. Rest assured though, I never had less than four bars of service.
I actually created this recipe last August as part of the On Board in 20 series I write for Food Bloggers of Canada. The series delivers complete meals, meant to be served family style on a board, that come together in about 20 minutes. While I tend to associate burgers and hot dogs with summer grilling, there is something about firing up the BBQ when there is a crisp bite in the air. This is such a fun meal for not only a Monday/Thursday night football game, but the corn is a beautiful presentation if you are having company for dinner.
This is a Mexican street style of corn known as 'elote'. The husks are peeled back but not removed and tied with kitchen twine. After grilling, it's rolled in mayo, feta and herbs and served hot. The corn relish is a fun way to utilize corn in the raw. It's sweet and crunchy and bursts almost like a pomegranate when it hits your mouth. With some crisp red onion and fresh lime, you can put a punchy relish together in record time.
Less of my work has landed here in the past few months. Happily it has landed in other places, but its been a bit neglected here. Hoping to change that. If you are a loyal reader, you will see a slight change in the space. Less pictures, less words but more recipes. It's taken some time but I am learning my best work is not always following the lead of others, or using the recommended 'formula' for creating a post - but rather to just write and share what I would like to read and cook. What a concept.
Enjoy these two seasonal ways to prepare corn and as always, would love to know what you think!
You can find the recipe for Turkey Dogs, Corn Relish & Mexican Street Corn right here and my other 20 minutes meals here.